Test Driven Development

Written by Gregory McIntyre, @gregmcintyre

This exercise teaches you what we’re talking about when we say Test Driven Development (TDD). Ideally it also involves pair, group, or remote pair programming, but if you don’t have anyone to pair with you can still go through this exercise.

This is a hard problem for a beginner. We recommend you spend some time practicing Ruby before starting on it. If you’re at a Rails Girls event, you might want to grab a mentor so you can ask questions.

0. Background Information

Roman Numerals

You need to know how Roman numerals work.

Here are some examples:

Roman Hindu-Arabic
1 I
4 IV
5 V
6 VI
9 IX
10 X
50 L
100 C
500 D
1000 M

We are going to write a program that takes an integer value in the left column and calculates the equivalent string value in the right column.

Pairing Rules

If you are pairing, you also need to do the following:

1. Initial Code

Copy this code into a file called roman.rb:

def roman(n)
  return "?"

require "minitest/spec"
require "minitest/autorun"

describe "roman" do
  it "converts the number 1 to the string I" do
    roman(1).must_equal "I"

2. Run your tests

If you use Sublime Text on Linux, OSX Mavericks (or better) or Windows, you can run the tests by pressing Ctrl-B. Otherwise you can type the follow into your terminal:

ruby roman.rb


You should see the following output from the tests:

roman#test_0001_converts the number 1 to the string I [tdd1.rb:11]:
Expected: "I"
  Actual: "?"

1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips

Your tests are now red. i.e. One or more of the tests fail. You can tell you have a failing test by checking the summary at the end: 1 tests, 1 assertions, 1 failures, 0 errors, 0 skips.

3. Fix your tests

Pick someone in your group to write the code. (Everyone is going to take turns to do this.) This person is the driver. They will write the code. Everyone else is an observer. They may offer suggestions and advice, but they may not steal the keyboard!

The driver’s first job is to make the test pass. They may do this however they see fit, with feedback and hints from the observers. It’s fine if the change is just an extra if statement or one extra character. In fact, that is encouraged: you generally shouldn’t write unnecessary code.

Here is a way that you could make the first test pass, just to get you into the swing of things:

def roman(n)
  return "I"

Seem facetious? Don’t worry. If it passes all the tests, it is a valid solution. When your tests all pass, we call them green.

4. Refactor your code

Everyone should look over the code and decide if it’s a good idea to refactor it (clean up the code and make it easier to read). If you decide to not to refactor, skip this step.

Hint: It’s a good time to refactor are when you notice your code looks repetitive. If you like, you can also refactor the tests.

You should re-run your tests after refactoring. If they fail, you accidentally broke something.

5. Write a new failing test

If you can’t think of any more cases to test and everything passes, you can stop here. You win!

Otherwise, the last job of the driver is to write a new test: one that fails. Again, the others observe and offer suggestions.

You can copy and paste the previous test and alter it. You can change it to be anything you like. Your tests will probably test more complex situations, but if you feel like going back and adding a simpler case, that’s fine too. The observers should continue to ask good questions and spot problems early.

Here is an example of an expanded test suite:

describe "roman" do
  it "converts the number 1 to the string I" do
    roman(1).must_equal "I"

  it "converts the number 4 to the string IIII" do
    roman(4).must_equal "IIII"

Your tests are now red again.

Change driver, repeat!

The next person in the group is now the driver. With the help of the observers, the driver fixes a test, refactors if necessary and writes a new test if necessary.

Keep repeating steps 2 through 5, making sure to continue switching the driver each time. You are done when your team feels like they are done.

Don’t worry about finishing all cases. The goal is to practice the steps and learn to work together in this way. Get used to writing tests as well as getting them to pass. Practice. Good luck!


If you are stuck for ideas, here is a list of Roman numerals to write tests for, in this order. Note the way that the build up incrementally in complexity.

Input Output
1 "I"
5 "V"
4 "IIII"
6 "VI"
7 "VII"
10 "X"

If you get this far, you earn partial credit. Romans used to use IIII for 4. That’s why 4 on an analog watch is written as IIII. Later on, they added subtractive digits. These are harder to program. Once you feel confident that your program works with all the numbers above, try dealing with subtractive digits.

Input Output
4 "IV"
14 "XIV"